Meet Edinah Tanya Chag

My name of Edinah Tanya Chag I’m 21 years old currently living in cape town.
I’m an artist studying fine art at Ruth Prowse Art School.

I fell in love with art at a very early stage and discovered my passion for painting a few years ago. I work primarily with oil and acrylic mediums. My inspiration comes from my surroundings and things that I feel connected to like nature, music, spirituality and femininity movement.

I love painting because I’m not very good at expressing myself with words or what’s going on inside my head, so painting gives me the freedom to do that and when I paint I don’t feel the pressure to strive for perfection.

My goal is to be able to touch people’s hearts and make a difference in the world through each piece that I paint, and have a successful art career as a person behind the canvas.

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